Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Notes About Observing People Over Time

I seem to have found myself in the perfect place and time.  I am in the ‘mastery’ phase of my career, just when the rest of society has woken up to realize that they want more choice in respect to their health services.  I’m not really sure how I actually navigated here into this future?  It’s a wonder, really!

In retrospect, it looks like a straight line, but from the starting point, it was all about faith. Twenty six years ago, I had already been a hairstylist for 13 years.  (By the way, my professional goal was to become a hair colour technician.) Being a complimentary health care provider wasn’t something I had even heard of, so that was definitely not on my list of career choices. 

In the course of my usual hair-type occupational duties, I would observe people’s skin and hair.  I would take note of things like chronic dryness, irritated, skin that was inflamed or dull.  I would notice that some people would be inclined to swelling and ‘bloat’ while others would appear to be under-nourished, and ‘dried up’. Many clients were already using creams and treatments that were either over the counter drugs or products that were prescribed by their physicians.

Was I observing a whole body problem? This got me to wondering about what was going on inside them.  One could suggest topical creams and conditioners, but really that was not going to change the chronic nature of the problem.

I also had the privilege of listening to people. People who get haircuts, tend to talk about whatever stress they are chewing about inside.  This was a rare chance for me to view the world from another perspective and to see how other people ‘ticked’.    Along the way, I got to hear really fascinating stories and learned a lot about people’s dreams and hopes, their losses and pains.  All in all, it was quite an education, and although I didn’t realize it at the time, a wonderful training ground for the intuitive observer.

One of my favourite customers was the daughter of the Patent Medicine Woman of the local First Nation community.  She knew that I had an interest in herbal remedies.  I knew the English names for many herbs, and with an introduction to my client’s mother; a whole vast area of knowledge was generously shared with me. 

I also studied with a practising Herbalist who was willing to teach me the basics of Iridology, which is the study of the body using the iris of the eye as a ‘map’.  From this start point, a charmed journey unfolded; correspondence courses, a major move, workshops, serendipitous meetings, mentors, seminars, falling into Behavioural Kinesiology, more questions, more courses, more moves, more mentors, and more questions….

Maybe God does work in mysterious ways.

And I still have more questions….

I hope this finds you well and happy_

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